Join us 18-19 November
We are hoping you will be able to join us for our SoulCare Weekend. Paul Francis is coming to speak to us, and Sue Rinaldi is coming to lead both the Worship for the weekend and a special Worship session on the Saturday.
Saturday 18 November - YWAM Burtigny
10:30 - 12:30 - Worship Session for those involved in worship and anyone else who would like to see what is involved! Last time Sue led one of these sessions it was a great time for everyone. There will be lunch after.
14:00 - 15:30 - Session 1 - Soul Care
15:30 - 16:00- Tea
16:00 - 18:00 - Session 2
18:30 Raclette Meal
Sunday 19 November - La Fraternelle (as normal)
15:00 - 16:15 - Q& A with Paul Francis (drinks will be available)
17:00 - Service
Close of Service - Tea and Cakes available
There will be a suggested minimum donation of 25 CHF per person, which can be paid via TWINT on the day, or online (use word Retreat, name and number of people). There will be a reduction for children. Please don't let money be a reason for not coming!
If you need a ride to Burtigny please let us know email
Please register on the Planning Centre App